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Our Services


Generally, all of the following are included in a contract to conduct a spongy (gypsy) moth suppression program:
Spongy (gypsy) moth population surveys
Necessary to determine where to spray in the Spring.  Spongy (gypsy) moth populations can vary greatly from year to year.  Precisely targeting the spray saves time, effort and money.  This work is done in fall and early winter.

Spray map development
The spray blocks and the accompanying roads, trails, and prominent features are GPS mapped in the field so that the pilot has all the necessary information on his cockpit navigation system.  The client also gets paper and electronic copies for display and web site use.

Hatch and growth monitoring
Timing of the spray application is very critical for success.  Hatch and larval development determine when the spray should be done.

Aerial spray coordination
We make sure the aerial applicator has the right material, the right equipment for application, is calibrated correctly, and has the right map in the right format for his aircraft and computer system.

Results evaluation
After the spray we visit a sub-sample of the spray sites to determine how effective the spray was and if there is a residual population of any size.  This work can lead to program improvements in future years.
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