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​Past Clients Include: Lake Associations, State and Local Governments, Power Companies, Property Owners, Stream Associations, and MDOT

  • Tower/Kleber Limited Partnership: Aquatic and Terrestrial Invasive Species Inventory

  • Tower/Kleber LP:  FERC relicensing consultation, project planning, environmental assessment

  • Alverno Pond Nuisance Aquatic Plant Survey

  • Smithville & Mix Impoundments Nuisance Aquatic Plant Surveys

  • Tower & Kleber Ponds Nuisance Aquatic Plant Survey

  • Pere Marquette River Salmon Population Study

  • Sand Lake Protection and Improvement Study

  • Tittabawassee River Dissolved Oxygen Study Below Four Impoundments

  • Tittabawassee River Tributary Flow Response to Rainfall Study

  • Tittabawassee River Bank Erosion Assessment

  • Springwood Lakes bottom contour map


  • Midland County (38 Years)

  • Cascade Charter Township (24 Years)

  • City of Wyoming (13 years)

  • City of Kentwood (10 Years)

  • City of Walker (8 Years)

  • Lowell Charter Township (6 Years)

  • Deep River Township (5 Years)

  • Ada Charter Township (3 Years)

  • Morton Township (3 Years)

  • Plainfield Township (3 Years)

  • Moffatt Township (3 Years)

Project:  Springwood Lakes, Clare County
Springwood Lake Property Owners Association


Concern over increasing weed growth and a deteriorating fishery prompted this study of the twin residential Lakes.  It was found that there were some water quality problems but early detection and good control over lake and watershed use will limit the impact.  A comprehensive lake protection and management plan was developed and included harvesting of excessive weed growth, top down fishery management, and an artificial circulation system for better nutrient utilization.

Project:  Tamarack Lake, Montcalm County
Village of Lakeview; The Township of Cato; and The Property Owners of Tamarack Lake


Tamarack Lake is a 323 acre lake with excessive algae and weed growth and a nearly nonexistent fishery.  The study found that urban and agricultural runoff from three separate areas were the major nutrient sources responsible for the current lake problems.  A series of measures were recommended to correct the situation including dilution/flushing, limited herbicide use, harvesting, short duration drawdowns, and continued work in limiting nutrient runoff in the upstream areas.

Project:  Sanford Lake, Midland County
Sanford Lake Improvement Board


This 1,200 acre lake has a 20 year history of study and management.  The Lake Board commissions a study about every three years to update its water quality information and weed growth history.  This information has been instrumental in understanding the lake and designing its management schedule.  Periodic drawdown and limited herbicide use have been shown to be the best maintenance measures for this lake.  The two drawdowns accomplished to date have been very successful at reducing weed growth and promoting good water quality.

Project:  Skidway Lake, Ogemaw County
Township and Lake Association


Skidway Lake is a 34 acre lake that was experiencing increased weed growth and a reduction in quality of its fishery.  The study found that a combination of near lake septic system leachate and surface road drain runoff was leading to the deterioration of lake quality.  Several corrective measures were suggested for short term and long term improvement.  Some have been implemented and the lake is stabilizing.

Project:  Canadian Lakes, Mecosta County
Developer and Property Owners Association



Canadian Lakes is a series of man-made lakes developed for residential and recreational use.  Because the lakes are young, the emphasis is to maintain rather than restore their high quality.  The studies, over a period of years, found some problems developing with weed growth and loss of fisheries quality.  Several recommendations were made and implemented including manipulation of the fishery through more stringent regulations and stunted fish removal to maintain a desirable ecological balance.  The lakes remain high in quality through the watchful eye of the Owners Association and guidance from the periodic lake studies.

Project:  Muskegon River, Newaygo County
Michigan Department of Natural Resources


A comprehensive assessment of juvenile steelhead survival and population dynamics in the Muskegon River and tributaries in Newaygo, MI. Diet and zebra mussel data were also collected to assess correlation with observed survival numbers. Juvenile survival was found to be strongly dependent on early and late spring flows and availability of quality prey species. High summer temperatures in the river below Croton Dam also stressed juveniles to levels where combined factors caused significant mortality.

Project:  Bass Lake, Iosco County
Lake Board for Bass Lake


Low water levels and observed water quality changes initiated the study of this small soft water lake.  The study revealed that Bass Lake is almost entirely dependent on direct rainfall for its water with a little groundwater entering from a nearby acid bog.  The core samples showed that the Lake was alkaline but has undergone a slow change to a near acidic condition over several thousand years.  Recommended protection included intercepting the acid groundwater with limestone to make the Lake more basic and more diligent maintenance and repair of the septic systems.

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